November 9, 2009


Adam Payne-Groove Central By Jason Savio

There is a new king of cool and his name is Adam Payne. If you tried to group him in a category with other artists you’d be hard pressed because he has created a niche all his own. Ranging from laid back R&B Grooves to stripped down acoustic performances, Adam Payne is sure to bring something to the table that everyone can enjoy.

Payne’s newest album, “The Quelling”, is a vibrant and soulful effort. Many of the songs sound like they belong on the radio and undoubtedly should be. Starting with the neo-soul of “Be Near Me”, with it’s synth intro that sounds like Super Mario in outer space, one can’t help but already feel the good vibes to come. The confident swagger in these songs is characterized by the subtle and simple yet effective beats that get stuck in your head. The atmospheric touches on tracks such as “Over And On Again” help lend a cool ghost funk, making “The Quelling” a unique achievement.

It is when Payne takes away the synths and extra layers and just plays acoustically on his album “Just Me” that the yearning in his lyrics take center stage, revealing a deeper level in his songwriting. The honest lyrics cut through and help give the songs substantial ground, such as on the track “Just Let Me In”:“I would die for you/I’d provide for you/I’d do anything to pull in the tide for you”. It is this vulnerability that Payne reveals with his acoustic strapped around his shoulder that is a crucial element in his ability to allow the listener to relate. While these songs are longer and more drawn out than those on “The Quelling“, they also show another side to him.

When Payne isn’t flying solo, he lets loose with his band 2ADAM12. Just when you think you have him pegged, Payne surprises you with a formidable and tight band that delivers a whole other kind of strut. Moving away from the groove wave of “The Quelling” to the poppy funk of 2ADAM12, Payne gets into full on jam mode. The reggae-slink of “Give It” comes out of left field and is an impressive display that is completely different from all his other songs. What is also a noticeable difference with 2DAM12 is the electric guitar solos that seamlessly guide through with a funky wah, helping give more of an edge on songs like “Ride”, which has a full on jam tacked on at the end for good measure.

Let’s not forget the single “Chiclets In My Pocket”, a tongue-in-cheek ode to the bite size gum. The humor in this tune would be right at home as a Saturday Night Live digital short (check out the video on YouTube), and that speaks to its mainstream potential.

Unlike so many of today’s artists, Adam Payne is a true individual who does what he wants to do and that is something to be respected. A well rounded musician and singer/songwriter, be sure to remember the name Adam Payne.
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