Digital Filmmaker Series Accepting Short Digital Films
N. DARTMOUTH – The RaNdOm CuTs Film Series is an upcoming, bi-monthly screening of short films (5 – 45 mins in length) shot and edited in digital formats. RaNdOm CuTs is accepting short digital films, including narratives, documentaries, animation and experimental films for consideration and inclusion in the series. Digital Media and Digital Film students are encouraged to submit.

To be considered, simply send a DVD of your project with a letter of introduction. The letter of Introduction must include the name of the project, a one paragraph description of the piece, the name of the central filmmaker(s), year the film was made, as well as contact info (Name, address, phone, e-mail, website, etc.). Selected filmmakers will have a release form e-mailed to them. We will begin accepting submission on November 5, 2009.
Packages should be mailed to:
Prof. MJ Peters
English Dept
UMass Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Road
N. Dartmouth, MA 02747
Each installment of the series will have a screening in New Bedford at Gallery X, and a screening on Cape Cod. We will be launching the series in March of 2010. For more information, contact Prof. MJ Peters at or 508-999-8304.
To be considered, simply send a DVD of your project with a letter of introduction. The letter of Introduction must include the name of the project, a one paragraph description of the piece, the name of the central filmmaker(s), year the film was made, as well as contact info (Name, address, phone, e-mail, website, etc.). Selected filmmakers will have a release form e-mailed to them. We will begin accepting submission on November 5, 2009.
Packages should be mailed to:
Prof. MJ Peters
English Dept
UMass Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Road
N. Dartmouth, MA 02747
Each installment of the series will have a screening in New Bedford at Gallery X, and a screening on Cape Cod. We will be launching the series in March of 2010. For more information, contact Prof. MJ Peters at or 508-999-8304.